Xact DiagnotekTMÂ offers services on contractual basis, either as short project or long-term OEM contracts for biomedical and pharmaceutical industries.
Protein/Enzyme Engineering
- Industrial grade enzymes and lipid modified proteins
- High-quality biomedical grade enzymes or proteins
- Construction and development of bacterial or yeast systems for proteinsÂ
- Rapid and affordable detection methods
- Decision Support Tool (DST) for distinguishing types of infections
- In-vitro diagnostics
Reagent Development
- Development and optimization of test kits and components
- Development of personal hygiene products and disinfectants
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Protein/enzyme Engineering
- Industrial grade enzymes and lipid modified proteins
- High-quality biomedical grade enzymes or proteins.
- Construction and development of bacterial or yeast systems for proteins .
- Rapid and affordable detection methods
- Decision Support Tool (DST) for distinguishing types of infections
- In-vitro diagnostics
Reagent development
- Development and optimization of test kits and components
- Development of personal hygiene products and disinfectants